Book your 2h Strategy Consultation Now!

Define/Refine your Business Idea, Niche, and Offer Hypothesis

Internal Success Blueprint

We will use coaching and consulting tools to identify you internal drivers, values, skills, and unfair advantages to define or refine your business idea. At the intersection of those elements will now always be able to come up with new purpose-driven business ideas.

Niche & Ideal Customer

Based on your Internal Success Blueprint we will identify potential Niches and Ideal Customer Profiles for you and nail it down to one to start with.

Monetization Possibilities

Then we will explore different possibilties to monetize your idea and niche.

90-Day Action Plan

Finally we will define a 90-d Action Plan to give you a way forward to go from Idea to getting your first customers.

Purpose 2 Business

€147 (€247)

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No products available


Book your 2h Strategy Consultation Now!

Define/Refine your Business Idea, Niche, and Offer Hypothesis

Purpose 2 Business

€147 ( €247)

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Location Info
No products available


Internal Success Blueprint

We will use coaching and consulting tools to identify you internal drivers, values, skills, and unfair advantages to define or refine your business idea. At the intersection of those elements will now always be able to come up with new purpose-driven business ideas.

Niche & Ideal Customer Profiles

Based on your Internal Success Blueprint we will identify potential Niches and Ideal Customer Profiles for you and nail it down to one to start with.

Monetization Possibilities

Then we will explore different possibilties to monetize your idea and niche.

90-Day Action Plan

Finally we will define a 90-d Action Plan to give you a way forward to go from Idea to getting your first customers.

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